Are You Worried About Your Itchy Allergy Sad Dog ?
Hi readers recently a 100% Natural Product called Doggy GOO was introduced for dog allergy problems. So we have contacted the team at Doggy GOO to bring you information. Here you go !
Hello, my name is Stephen, and together with DVM Dermatologist / Allergist Dr Kristin ( only 225 in USA ), We are
Healthy GOO is the Result of Dr Kristin’s ( Canine ) and My ( Human / ) Experience Fighting Enviro Allergies.
Based on our combined Experiences, Dr. Kristin has Formulated our Premier Product, named >
But Do Not be Fooled by Doggy GOO’s Cute & Playful name. Please believe me when I say, that Doggy GOO is All DVM Allergist Business when it comes to Fighting Allergies in our Itchy Canine Friends.
We are Contacting You Today, to ask your Assistance to Spread the Word to Canine Pet Parents that ….
It is Allergy Season for Man / Woman and Your Itchy Dog !
Canine Pet Parents are Reminded that our Dog’s Suffer from Allergies to the Same Enviro Pollens / Dust Mites / Molds as Us Humans.
But while You & I bring our Enviro Allergy TroubleMakers into our Bodies ala Achoo Respiratory. With our Dog’s, it is All About the Itchy Skin !
When You look to the prevalence of Allergy / Atopy in our Dogs, You find that over 80% of our Itchy Allergy Dogs are Allergic to Enviro Sources, producing Classic Signs of Canine Enviro Allergies including: constant Itching / Paw Chewing / Gunky Ears & Hot Spots.
In Fact, “Allergy Driven” Health Issues i.e. Gunky Ears / Hot Spots / Itching Skin Trauma are Consistently in the Top DVM Treated / $$$ Issues in a Practice.
So, What is a Frustrated Pet Parent to Do ?
To Begin, it is Important to Remember that Allergy is essentially a Mis-Wiring in the Human & Animal’s Immune System. Producing Achoo for Humans and Itch for Dog’s in its Mis-Guided Reaction to normally Harmless Enviro Sources.
It is because Allergy is a Mis-Wired Immune System, that OTC / Pet Store Shampoo’s / Supplements etc., even Food only provide Temporary Relief. But at the End of the Day, they only “Dance around the Allergy Fire, But Do Not Put It Out !”.
When You look to DVM Treatment Options, after Flea & Skin Mite “Itch” are Diagnostically Ruled Out, basically all a DVM can do to Help your Itchy Dog is Suggest / Administer Pharma !
And as we all know, Pharma does only 1 Thing, It only provides “Temporary Relief” by Masking Symptoms.
The Sad / Unfortunate Fact is that while Pharma Does Stop the Itch Symptoms, it leaves the Cumulative / Progression of the Animal’s Allergy Fire “Intact” only to Burn Brighter & Hotter with EveryDay.
Soon, Your DVM will say “No More Pharma” because to Continue would be Damaging to the Animal’s Health, and suggests that you go to a Doggy Allergist, called a DVM Dermatologist.
But with Your DVM Allergist visit You are told that Your Dog will have to Stop Itchy Suppressant Pharma for 1.5 Mo., then go thru a Skin Test, then You / the Pet Parent will have to Start giving your Dog frequent Allergy Shots for over 2.5 Years.
Of course, all along, “Your” $$ Cash Machine is Running and Running and Running !
To Add to your Frustration , You are told that You cannot expect Your Dog to “Begin” to show Signs of Improvement, for at least 10-16 Months of Shots, with Multi-Years still to Follow ☹, prompting the Question, What am I supposed to Do about my Dog’s Itchies / Paw Chewing / Gunky Ears ?!
As We Say, What is a Frustrated Pet Parent to Do ?!
It is to this Challenge that DVM Allergist Dr. Kristin has Formulated Doggy GOO !
Doggy GOO ?
But, How can a Pet Parent take a Product called Doggy GOO … Seriously !?
Especially, if DVMs and DVM Derms have Such a Hard Time ?!
Take Heart, there is a Doggy GOO / DVM Allergist Solution !
Based on Dr. Kristin’s Canine Allergy Expertise, Dr. Kristin has Formulated Doggy GOO. An Allergy Solution that is Non-Prescription and “Click & Order” accessible to Any Pet Parent !
And, because Allergy is a Mis-Wired Immune System, Doggy GOO does not just Mask Symptoms, it Targets Allergy Disease at its Source .. the Immune System !
With Doggy GOO, Dr. Kristin Leverages the Natural Adaptive Ability / Power of the Immune System, to build heightened “Internal” Immune Tolerance to 15 Major Itchy Enviro Allergy Sources, with the proven Doggy GOO Goal, that over a Modest 90 Day Period of Time, the Immune System has been ReTrained, such that “External” Allergy Symptoms become increasingly Mitigated / eventually are No Longer Triggered !
90 Days ! Oh My GOO ( OMG ) > Too GOOd to be True !!
Well, at GOO We Say > Let Doggy GOO Speak for Itself, thru Your Animal’s Improved Health, to You / Pet Parent, then Tell GOO and other frustrated Pet Parents with Itchy Allergy Dogs.
Healthy GOO invites Pet Parents to visit
More Importantly, Pet Parents are asked to Read Doggy GOO Testimonials i.e. What other Pet Parents have to Say about their / their Dogs Doggy GOO Experience.
But there is More to Doggy GOO !
Dr. Kristin has made the Serious Business of Fighting Itchy Enviro Allergies FUN !
GOO-Licious Peanut Butter Treat FUN for Your Dog ..
And FUN for You to See Your Dog Happy & Healthy !
Well, there You have It ..
For the past 5.5 Yr. Doggy GOO has been Helping Many / Many / Many Itchy Dogs Fight their Itchy Allergies … But Unfortunately, there are Many , Many , Many More that need Doggy GOO !
As such, Dr. Kristin & I need Your Help !
We need Your Help to Spread the Doggy GOO Word that …
Yes, there Exists a Product that Targets the Immune Sources of Your Dog’s Allergies Vs Masking Symptoms ! ReCaliberating your Animal’s Immune System to “Resist” Enviro Allergy Triggers
And Yes, it is 100% USA Mother Natural-ly Natural.
And Yes, it is DVM Allergist Formulated
And Yes, it is a Non-Prescription / “Click & Order Product.
And BTW, it is a GOO-Licious Peanut Butter Treat !
So, on behalf of Dr. Kristin and MySelf, We Thank You for the Opportunity to tell You our GOO Story, with the Hope that You will find it Something to Share with your fellow Friends / Readers.
Wishing All of our Furry Friends a Healthy GOO / Doggy GOO Glow !
Stephen & Dr. Kristin DACVD
Doggy GOO Notes:
Doggy GOO is a Canine Animal Supplement, Not a FDA Approved Drug.
As such, Pet Parent Readers are reminded that Doggy GOO does not have the Clinical Evidence or FDA Approval that “Clinically Proves” that it can Cure , Diagnose or Mitigate Allergy Disease.
However, when Dr. Kristin & I launched Doggy GOO, Nothing like Doggy GOO existed for Canine Allergy. Yes, there was a Mountain of Clinical Evidence that Doggy GOO’s Allergy Fighting Methodology “Should” Work, But all the Clinical Data was at a Human Level.
No one had Ever done Anything like Doggy GOO Ever Before !
But, knew that > When We Connected the “Known Allergy Dots’, that Doggy GOO “should” Work !
But the Questions of > How Well / How Fast remained UnKnown.
So, after 5.5 Yr., Dr. Kristin and I are Happy to Report that when All OTC / DVM & DVM Derm Allergy Treatment Options are “Tried”, that Doggy GOO is the Clear Choice, producing Positive Allergy Symptom Cessation in approx. 90 Days Vs Gold Standard Allergy Shots, which BTW take over a Year to “begin” to produce Skin / Coat / Itch Mitigation.
Which is Why, We Say Let GOO Speak for Itself, thru your Animal’s Improved Allergy Health, to You / Pet Parent, then share Your Success with GOO and tell other Pet Parents to Give their Itchy Dog a GOO-Licious Peanut Treat, that BTW Successfully Fights Enviro Allergies !