What Impact Does Food & Beverages Have in An Event?

March 16, 2018 0 Comments

Have you ever attended a social event of any nature where food & beverages were not involved in some capacity or the other? Even if you’ve (which is surprising), you’ll have to still think hard to find that event — and chances are that you didn’t particularly like that one.

Generally, most social events have food & beverages as an integral part of them. In fact, a lot of them even design the entire event around the type of food and its speciality.

The Origin of Food at Social Events

Right from the time of discovering fire (maybe even before that), humans used to sit around each other and eat food. Later on, as the ages turned, inviting people home to break bread was how people socialised and spent time with each other. It was never about feeding; it was about the hospitality — it was about hosting someone with delicious food & beverages, making them feel welcome.

Food Denotes Hospitality

The idea of a shared meal was symbolic. It lead to new connections, brewed ideas, and kindling of riveting conversations. Does that sound familiar? If it does, then it’s because that’s what networking and most social events include — sharing ideas, conversations, or celebrations over food and beverages.

It’s a sign of respect and human warmth to offer the guests food & beverages. And the intent hasn’t changed much, even if the type of food and the magnitude has.

In today’s age to, people often bond over food and that’s why it forms an important part of almost every social event.

The Usage of Food & Beverages to Brand an Event

Now that you’ve set up your event, you want more and more people to attend them. You want to entice them, and food (more often than not) is perfect for that. Assure people, with the help of professionals from Katie’s Catering, that the food & beverages at your event will be top-notch. In fact, it’s a known technique to have specially-designed menus specific to the type of event that’s being hosted.

On the whole, when the experience of your guest is heightened — the chances are that he’ll be more inclined to participate in whatever intent you hosted the event with.

Food as an Experience

This one-time we attended a fundraiser event that ditched typical buffet system for thematic food stations based on the cuisine-type. Not only was it one of the most innovative catering set-up, but it also ensured that host received plenty of donations for his cause because all the guests had an amazing time.

Food is not just feeding, as we’ve mentioned before. It’s an experience, and if you make it a good one — your guests will be delighted and would be more than willing to help you. Not to forget, how your event will be remembered (just like how we remember the fundraiser event) for a long, long time.


Food & beverages at an event is more than just a few dishes put together for people to feed. It’s an integral part of what an event could be. As the costs continue to rise, you need terrific catering professionals to ensure that your guests get the best in the budget you’ve. Do not think of food at an event as an afterthought!


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