Buy Contacts Canada – What Kind Of Contact Lenses Should You Choose
When you buy contacts canada eye doctors have many different kinds of contacts to offer. Understanding the different kinds of contacts will help you to know exactly what kind of contacts are right for you. This means that you’ll also want to understand the kind of care required for contacts to make sure that they can continue to be worn safely.
Hard Contact Lenses
Hard contact lenses or PMMA lenses are the least commonly used contacts today. The reason for this is that these were the first contacts ever developed and technology has improved how contacts look and feel today.
Hard contact lenses, as the name suggests, are hard. They don’t allow oxygen to reach the cornea, which is one of the many reasons that people find them uncomfortable. They are, however the cheapest option for contacts and are very durable as well.
Soft Contact Lenses
Soft contact lenses are the most common lenses for contact wearers. They are made of plastic, but water is incorporated into the plastic to allow for both flexibility and for oxygen to pass through the lenses to keep the cornea comfortable.
Soft contacts are also available in what’s called a rigid lens. Rigid lenses are more durable that traditional soft contact lenses and rigid lenses are gas permeable. These lenses are more expensive than traditional soft contact lenses and are more durable as well.
When you decide to wear soft contacts, you will find that you have three options. These options include:
Single wear lenses
Daily wear lenses
Toric lenses
Single wear lenses are contacts that are thrown away after a day of use. These contacts are more expensive than daily wear lenses, but wearing them reduces the risk of infection from dirty lenses as you put in a new pair of lenses every day.
Daily wear lenses are worn 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the type of lenses you buy. Many people find that they can extend the life of their lenses by choosing to take them off overnight.
Toric lenses are specifically designed for people with an astigmatism. This is a newer technology as just 8 years ago people with an astigmatism could not wear contacts.
There are also contact lenses for people who need bifocals. These contacts are either two prescriptions in each contact lens or one prescription in one lens and the other prescription in the other lens.
You’ll also find that there are vanity contact lenses. These are lenses that change the color of your eyes. You can get these contacts whether you need glasses or not. In addition, you can find costume contacts that look like animal eyes, black out eyes, elf eyes and more.
Contact Lens Safety
It’s important that anyone who wants to wear contacts visit an eye doctor for an eye exam specific for the fitting of contacts. If your contacts don’t fit correctly, they can actually cause damage to the cornea. In the United States it’s illegal for stores to sell contacts without a contact prescription. This is also the law in Canada and these laws also include the sale of vanity contacts. Once you get your prescription you can purchase your contacts from any source that you choose.
Taking care of your lenses according to the manufactures instructions is key to preventing infection of the eyes. This is actually not an issue for single wear lenses, as they are thrown away before protein buildup can occur, although you should wash your hands thoroughly before putting them in. For those of you who wear daily wear contacts, however, cleaning them at regular intervals is important.
Adjusting to Contact Lenses
There are a number of people who believe that they can’t wear contacts due to the discomfort they feel when they put in their contacts. Initial discomfort is not uncommon, however. It takes many people a week or more before they adjust to their contacts, which is something that you should keep in mind. Of course, if you have any concerns, you should contact your eye doctor for a followup appointment.
With only a couple of exceptions, most people can wear contact lenses. In fact, the only people who need to avoid wearing contact lenses are those people who have constant eye infections, dry eye condition, bad allergies or work in an environment that aggravates the eyes. This means that the majority of you who wear glasses do have another, more attractive option!