How Is Crack Different From Other Drugs

July 9, 2012 0 Comments

Crack, often known as rock, is a less pure form of cocaine. It is produced after boiling powder cocaine in a concoction of water and baking powder. It is used by either smoking or breathing the vapour.To produce the vapour, the crack crystals are heated and the vapor is taken into the nostril by a pipe. As it is heated, the crystals make a cracking sound, hence the name crack. In the U.S.A., it is a scheduled II substance, which indicates that it is illegal to use for other purposes that are not health related. In contrast to powder cocaine, it is less pure essentially making it far more affordable. Due to its cheapness and availability, crack cocaine abuse is a widespread issue.

In the 1980′s, clearly there was a wave of criminal activity in a large number of U.S.cities. This resulted from the arrival of crack on the streets as a different option from the powder cocaine that was much more costly, leaving it out of reach for many individuals. The use of crack contributed to the rise of criminal activity in urban cities. This mostly occurred due to young, idle people looking for solutions to handle their drug habits. Though there hasn’t been such growth in the use of crack since then, its level of popularity has not dropped in the U.S. and even Europe. It is suggested in some quarters that crack is the most addictive form of cocaine.

Crack is typically taken needles that are shared by several different users exposes the drug user to disease such as HIV/AIDS. A drug user runs the risk of overdosing and potential heart problems. By inhaling the substance, it is speedily taken into the blood stream through the lungs. The variety of chemicals used by manufacturers can cause body ailments to the individuals. The short and hot pipes used to ingest the narcotic can lead to what is recognized as crack lip.

A pregnant female who takes crack will cause negative effects on the developing baby. The children who are exposed to crack during gestation are born underweight and their chances of surviving past the first month of their life are slight. Other possible effects of crack or cocaine on the fetus are heart and urinary tract defects. Such babies are also likely to experience stroke, heart attack or brain damage.

Cocaine that is the raw material used for the manufacturing of crack most often enters the U.S.A. from South American regions among them Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. The substances are smuggled through an assortment of techniques.Crack and cocaine have users across the demographic spectrum. Crack is more popular among those with lower earnings because it is cheaper while cocaine is extensively used among society’s wealthy. Even if the consumption of crack in recent times is not as prevalent as it was in the 1980′s, the utilization of crack is rife in society as indicated by the increasing number of addicts being admitted into rehab clinics.Seeking treatment in a rehab center is the only way that will certainly cure an addict of crack cocaine addiction

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