Techniques To Achieve The Fullness Of Recovery From Alcohol Withdrawal

August 13, 2012 0 Comments

The first step to recover from alcoholism is to admit that you have a problem and you need assistance to stop it. Getting off from addiction is a very long process that begins from detoxification to after care. Healthcare practitioners are there to support but the success of the program of recovery depends on the consistency of the efforts given by the patient.

Treatment Programs

Alcoholics are referred to alcohol rehabilitation centers by a therapist or a support group. There are different treatment options for the patient that depends upon his condition and needs. The therapist would determine if the patient could stay in an outpatient treatment facility or should he stay as an inpatient in a secure and safe facility away from outside influences. The patients are educated about the withdrawal symptoms they could experience and how to manage the pain. Mayo Clinic explains that rehab programs include group therapy, individual therapy, and support groups.

Psychological Withdrawal

Patients who are quitting from alcohol experience uncontrollable shaking, anxiety, mood swings, and nervousness. Patients are irritable and display anger towards family and friends. The patients’ bodies are so used to the “high” feeling brought by alcohol that they become so vexed about not having a drink. Patients withdrawing from alcohol may also experience fatigue, depression, and nightmares.

Physical withdrawal

Physical symptoms usually experience sleep loss, appetite loss, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting while withdrawing from alcohol. According to the Health Services at Columbia, delirium tremens could happen to alcoholics who are taking alcohol for a long time. This requires immediate medical treatment and intervention. Symptoms of delirium tremens include memory loss, confusion, hallucinations, fever and convulsions.


According to the Mayo Clinic, once detoxification is completed, counselling and therapy are given to back-up the recovery process. This can be done through inpatient, out-patient or residential treatment plans. Individual and group counselling, pharmacotherapy, and behavioral therapy are included in the treatment program to help the client in his recovery. Drugs are given not to cure alcohol dependency but to reduce the urge to drink or cause severe pain once alcohol is consumed.

After care

After completing the therapy in alcohol treatment centers, patients are advised to have support networks to maintain sobriety. Staying in touch with counselors or medical staffs even outside the rehab facility help the clients focus on their goal. Patients are also encouraged to join a support group like Alcoholic Anonymous to help them prevent relapse occurrence. These alcohol therapy programs help the clients manage stress and cope with the changes patients face outside the center.

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