Common Alternative Diabetes Treatment Therapies

April 10, 2016 0 Comments

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of people. While some diabetics require insulin, oral medications or surgery to manage their illness, others use alternative diabetes treatment therapies. Dietary supplements are a common alternative treatment for diabetes.

Alternative medicine is actually a group of health practices outside traditional medicine. Along with healthy lifestyle changes, natural therapies can be very effective for controlling the symptoms of diabetes. People who use alternative therapies should keep their doctors informed. This will help them adjust medical treatments, if necessary.

All forms of diabetes impair the body’s ability to convert food into energy. A diabetic’s body does not make enough insulin to move this energy, in the form of sugar, through the cells. This causes a sugar buildup in the blood. Diabetics can often control their blood sugar level with a careful diet and doctor-approved alternative remedies.

Numerous natural substances show great promise for diabetes management, including antioxidants, minerals, herbs and botanicals. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), chromium, omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols are just a few of the many supplements used to treat diabetes. Some studies show that caffeine, cinnamon, flaxseed, ginseng, glucomannan, magnesium and guar gum are also effective for diabetes.

Alpha-lipoic acid, chromium, omega-3 and polyphenols have been studied extensively through scientific research and clinical trials. Researchers have examined ALA, an antioxidant, for its effect on sugar metabolism, insulin sensitivity and diabetic nerve disorders. People who use ALA as an alternative diabetes treatment must monitor their blood sugar carefully. ALA can bring the level too low.

The body requires chromium to function properly. However, food sources supply only a small amount of this essential trace mineral. Some diabetics take chromium supplements to manage their blood sugar. Too much chromium, like ALA, can cause blood sugar to plummet. Careful monitoring is essential with this alternative treatment.

Omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids, come from fish and vegetable oils, nuts and wheat germ. Known to guard against heart disease, omega-3 fatty acids may also lower cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar levels. Researchers continue to study the effects of omega-3 on blood sugar management and heart disease risks for people with diabetes.

Polyphenols, antioxidants found in dark chocolate and tea, are thought to protect against heart disease. New research shows they may also benefit insulin activity and blood sugar control. Some diabetics use green tea or green tea supplements as alternative therapy.

People with any form of diabetes must keep their blood sugar level in check. This may require prescription drugs, insulin or both. However, not all diabetics need medical treatment. For those with Type 2 diabetes, the basic management tools are healthy eating, regular exercise and blood sugar monitoring. Insulin is no doubt one of the main factors.

Insulin is even more important to your health than we thought – not only can problems with it cause diabetes, but they can also cause schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. These kinds of diseases are related to psychology in particular. We recently came across one such patient from Halstead Essex who has both diabetes and schizoaffective disorder and she is coping with these two from quite some time now. Not only coping with her health issues but also sharing her experiences with the world through her blog – The Halstead Hermit. The blog is worth reading not only for those who have any of these diseases but also for general readers to get an idea about the symptoms and effects of these diseases and what a patient really feels and experiences during these kinds of diseases. She is surely a brave lady to share her experiences in a lighter mood with the world. Even you can follow her Facebook Page for more experiences and information of how she copes with schizoaffective disorder and diabetes and uses music one of the sources to keep her mind out of stress.

The Halstead Hermit Blogger

There are a number of side effects of the medicines used for these diseases. Medications used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, depression, epilepsy and migraines often have the side effect of weight gain. This side effect is thought to be due to the drugs affect on neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephine, which are found in the brain and are integral to many mental processes, including mood regulation, hunger and satiety.

Weight gain is particularly linked to many of the newer drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders. In an analysis of dozens of smaller drug studies, clozapine and olanzapine showed the greatest risk of weight gain and ziprasidone had the least risk. Lithium, a medication used to stabilize mood, may also work against weight loss.

Dietary supplements and other alternative treatments may help diabetics manage their symptoms better. Some national health organizations are funding research on other alternative therapies, such as yoga and Reiki. These studies are examining the effects of alternative medicine on diabetic symptoms, nerve disorders and various body functions.

Diabetes is a long-term, chronic condition that can be difficult and frustrating to live with. People who stick with their diabetes treatment — whether it is conventional, alternative, or both — are more likely to see a positive difference in their health and quality of life.

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