Acid Reflux Alternative Remedies – Why Your Heartburn Medicine May Be Harmful To Your Health

June 19, 2012 0 Comments

By Stefani Padilla

If you are one of the many people that have acid reflux, then surely you have tried just about every antacid on the market. However, did you realize that if you use antacids as your acid reflux remedy of choice, that you are actually harming your health and contributing to even more health problems? We all hate how painful and uncomfrotable that acid reflux attacks are, and sure at first glance takinga simple antacid may be the easy solution, but in reality it isn’t part of the solution at all – it’s part of the problem.

First of all, acid in your stomach has a role – it’s critical in the proper digestion of your food and the absorption of vitamins and minerals to keep your system healthy and functioning. When you take an antacid you are actually killing your ability to digest a meal. And it’s more than just the missed nutrients, without acid, food will sit in your stomach longer than normal, and it is just sitting there and rotting, which will eventually expose you to a host of bacteria and parasites that can grow and make your stomach issues even more serious than they were before!

Not only that, but most of the time you pop one or two or more pills, or take a drink or two of the liquid – but in reality, no one really keeps that good track of how much you take, the warnings on the packages don’t make it sound serious or critical, so you just do what you need to do to feel better. But in reality, those chemicals are disrupting your bodies delicate biochemical balance and will deplete your body of vitamin B while it also strips your stomach of it’s natural protectors against disease!

And did you realize that each time you take an antacid you are actually giving in to the addiction that you have created! That’s right, by taking antacids, your stomach is blocked from producing acid normally, so if you stop, then you will be rewarded with withdrawal symptoms, acid-reflux flare ups that are both more intense and more frequent than before you started taking medicine! And many people even suffer from withdrawal headaches as well! (So you take a pill for your headache, which makes your stomach hurt, so you take another pill for your stomach and the whole addictive cycle starts again!)

And you don’t have to take my word for in – in February of this year, the Food and Drug Administration came out with a warning against the overuse of antacids. So what is a sufferer of acid reflux to do to remedy their pain? Well, believe it or not there are many natural and homeopathic acid reflux remedies where simple changes in your eating habits can cure you forever without the use of antacid pills, liquids and pain medicines. Someting as easy as eating an apple! So find out more about acid reflux alternative remedies and say goodbye to the bottle forever!

Ms. Padilla is a happily married mom of 4 and a healthy eating advocate. For more information on how to reduce acid reflux pain with natural remedies please visit her website at

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