Pain Killer Abuse And Its Prevention

July 25, 2012 0 Comments

Painkiller abuse:

Abuse of pain killers is becoming a prevalent and growing issue all around the world. The general examples of addictive pain relievers are Demerol, Percocet, Vicodin, Stadol, Tylenol, and OxyContin. We will explain some of the pain killer addiction side effects, so that addiction to painkillers can be avoided.

A person addicted to pain medications will often demonstrate emotionally disturbed behaviors such as sudden explosions of fury, fear, extreme mood swings, serious nervousness, altercations, and unlawful activities.

One more sign of abuse of painkillers is the emergence of symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms of withdrawal include runny nose, chills, teary eyes, night sweats, serious agitation, tremors, nausea, severe body pains, and muscle contractions.

At extreme stages of addiction to painkillers, respiratory depression can occur. Respiratory depression is very shallow and slow breathing. This is a life-threatening sign. Death can take place as a result of respiratory arrest.

Cognitive changes will show up. A patient addicted to pain medications will usually exhibit garbled speech and may have difficulty with concentrating or focusing. Continuous dizziness or even lethargy can occur with worsening of addiction.

An individual who is abusing pain medications will have constricted or smaller than usual pupils. The person will have bloodshot eyes which is direct biochemical effect from the high, chronic use of painkillers.

Physical tolerance appears with long-term use of pain medications. The body gets desensitized to the original frequency and dose of the pain medication, and pain returns more frequently and with greater intensity, therefore the person will desire for more and more amounts of the pain medicine.

Painkiller abuse can be prohibited. By using some of the simple methods, development of abuse of painkillers can be prohibited.

A person should use painkiller only for the period prescribed by their health care provider. Any craving to use more than the recommended amount should be resisted. The patient should ask the medical professional about the likelihood of being addicted to a painkiller before be starting taking it.

If a person is facing trouble with possibly being addicted to a pain medicine, he should immediately seek medical assistance. A lot of patients make the mistake of thinking that they can control the potential for becoming addicted by themselves.

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