What You Need To Know About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

June 20, 2012 0 Comments

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or also known as PCOS is the most recurrent endocrine problems that women encounter. It is a genetic disorder that can be inherited from a parent. PCOS becomes apparent in about 5 to 10 percent of females aged 12 to 45. This disorder is linked as a cause of sub-fertility.

A person can tell if she is having PCOS by observing her body carefully. PCOS’s features include irregular menstruation, anovulation, amenorrhea, increased quantity of masculine hormones, and polycystic ovaries. Androgenic hormones are characterized by acnes, resistance to insulin, obesity, diabetes and high levels of cholesterol. PCOS is also known as hyperadnrogenism, polycystic ovary disease, sclerocystic ovary syndrome and Leventhal syndrome.

Polycysyic Ovarian Syndrome got its name from the images that it provides when examined. A polycystic ovary has many abnormally developing eggs in its surface. Normally, there shouldn’t be a great number of eggs developing. The eggs look like small pearls or cysts. Some of the symptoms of PCOS are absence of menstrual periods (amenorrhea) or few menstrual periods (oligomenorrhea). However, not all problems related to absence of menstrual period are linked to PCOS.

Cysts develop in ovaries when they are stimulated to produce large amounts of androgens or male hormones, specifically testosterone. This occurs when there is an increase in the production of LH or Lutenizing Hormone by the pituitary gland. When there is high insulin levels in blood of women who have sensitive ovaries, it produces increased levels in free androgens.

The cysts in PCOS are not really cysts but are rather immature follicles. These follicles developed from such that are primordial. However, their development was stopped due to a disturbed or problematic ovarian function.

There is a solution for people who experience PCOS and it depends on how the individual will deal it. Four options are available and these are: decreasing insulin level, restoration of fertility, acne treatment, and restoration of regular menstruation.

Actually, one of the best ways to treat PCOS is to address the insulin problems and/or weight management problems. Choosing this may help fix the underlying cause. When a person loses weight, she can also restore regular menstruation and ovulation. Although it is difficult to lose weight, it’s rather effective than using medicines. Experts advise keeping a healthy diet and consistency in exercise.

PCOS occurrence doesn’t necessarily mean that a woman will have difficulty in getting pregnant. Yes there are cases when a person with PCOS has difficulty conceiving. However, most of the real causes of their infertility is caused by other problems.

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