Monitor Your Fertility With A Fertility Calculator

July 23, 2012 0 Comments

By Louise Collins

Fertility can be best calculated by using fertility monitors or fertility calculators. These are electronic devices that are use to predict the most fertile days especially the ovulation day so that the chance for pregnancy increases as proper timing for sexual intercourse is achieved.

Such devices calculate fertility through various signs of fertility that can be manifested through changes in the hormone levels in urine, basal body temperature, the electrical resistance of saliva, and vaginal fluids or cervical mucus. However, not at all times are these fertility calculators used to increase chances of conception. The truth is, they can work inversely.

Some women used such devices to know their most fertile days so that they can they will know when to avoid sexual intercourse and hinder the chance of getting pregnant. With this, there are some fertility calculators that are used for the purpose of predicting fertile days to achieve pregnancy and there are also specific ones that serve the other way around.

There are four types of fertility calculators which women can used in order to calculate fertility. These are the Luteinizing Hormone Monitors, Thermal Monitors, Electrolyte Monitors, and the Combination Monitor.

The Luteinizing Hormone Monitors can work for both purposes. Women can actually have a choice between the Clearblue and Persona Monitor to predict fertile days to either increase chance of pregnancy or otherwise. The first one requires easy usage such that it detects the level of Luteinizing Hormone by dipping urine test sticks while it identifies six fertile days per cycle. It should be noted that the Clearblue as suggested by doctors, should only be used as a pregnancy achievement aid only. On the other hand, the second one works the same way except that it only detects if ovulation has already passed. In this manner the device is designed to avoid pregnancy.

Moreover, the Thermal Monitors include the Duo Fertility calculator and the Lady-Comp Calculator. The first one is consists of a sensor that can be worn under the arm like a patch and works to collect up to 20,000 temperature readings in a day. This sensor is handheld and is able to read fertility signs through computer software. This type of fertility calculator is said to be the most helpful and has the most accurate result of predicting fertile days. Likewise, the device is advised to be only used for pregnancy achievement aid. On the other hand, the Lady-Comp Calculator is used as a birth control device by measuring the basal body temperature and cycle history to calculate the most and least fertile days. This device originally was developed in Germany, and functions mainly like the Basal Body Temperature where women monitors the body temperature every morning except that it uses bio-mathematical forecasting software to compare result prevent conception by not having sex on the most fertile days and doing it on the calculated least fertile days.

Another type of fertility calculator is the OvaCue Fertility Monitor which is a type of Electrolyte monitor that is highly recommended to be used as a pro-conception device only. The device works by testing the saliva for some electrolyte composition that becomes detectable when ovulation date is approaching. According to records, the device gives 98% accurate result since it also comes with a vaginal sensor that confirms ovulation retroactively.

Lastly, an example of a combination monitor is the Cyclotest Baby calculator. Such device works to measure the basal body temperature just like any other; however, it also manipulates calculations through menstrual cycle, cervical mucus observations, and a positive result from the surge of Luteinizing Hormone. With this, to show results and keep track of records, women can actually use USB devices to download them on personal computer. The truth is, these devices are actually electronic and require other devices to completely show results or keep records of them.

Louise Collins writes articles on how to get pregnant. If you are having problems getting pregnant go to this website to download a free guide on how to boost your fertility.

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