How To Cure Panic Attacks

July 17, 2012 0 Comments

It’s difficult to explain panic attacks to someone who has never experienced one. It’s like the moment when you begin the steep decline from the very top of a roller coaster. The only problem is you thought you had been standing in line for the merry-go-round. The terror strikes from out of the blue and leaves you with sweaty palms and wondering how to cure panic attacks.

I Said, “Doctor, Doctor…”

Schedule an appointment with your doctor for a physical. As cliché as it sounds, it’s important to rule out any possible underlying causes of your panic attacks. Substance abuse, overconsumption of caffeine, asthma, thyroid problems, cardiac problems and hypoglycemia can often cause symptoms similar to those of panic attacks.

Once any other causes have been ruled out, you can move on to finding a cure for your panic attacks. Your physician may refer you to a mental health professional, or it’s possible that your doctor will discuss the possibility of you taking a prescription anti-anxiety medication.

Commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications include: Xanax, Klonopin, and Celexa. Side effects are possible and anxiety attacks general recur when you stop taking the medication. Anti-anxiety medications are not a long-term panic attacks cure, but they can help you while you seek other methods of treatment.

Diary of a Panicky Adult

If you want to know how to cure anxiety attacks, you need to see if you can recognize a pattern to your panic events. The easiest way to do this is by journaling. If you do choose to see a therapist, your journal will be beneficial.

Do your panic attacks always occur at a similar location? Do they happen after you have watched the news or after you have eaten a specific food?

It may be that there is no rhyme or reason to your attacks, or you may gain valuable insight.

Mind Over Chatter

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps you identify your panic attack triggers. Don’t forget to take your journal with you to your first session. You will be ahead of the game.

Your therapy sessions will help you understand your body’s reactions to stress. You will identify the signs of anxiety and learn how to change your reaction. In essence, you will be given the tools you need to learn how to cure panic attacks.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will also focus on relaxation techniques that will help in curing this disorder. You will likely learn breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation.

As a final step to therapy, you will face your panic attack triggers.

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