What Is Incontinence ? An Incontinence Definition

August 7, 2012 0 Comments

The incontinence definition holds that it is the inability of the body to control excretions, such us holding urine within the bladder or keeping feces within the rectum. It is just one of those terms many are not accustomed to. Conditions that affect this complication result in the involuntary release of excretions.

What Makes Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence definition is seen as the loss of urine involuntarily during intense physical activities, exercises, laughing, sneezing and coughing. To control urination and for the body to hold urine, the nervous system and lower urinary tract must be working well. In most women, urinary tract incontinence is the most common form.

Urinary Incontinence Causes

Urinary incontinence definition defines the condition as involuntarily leaking of urine, one of the most distressing and common problem that usually has a profound effect on the quality of life of an individual.

Urinary incontinence takes place as a result of an underlying medical condition, treatable but hardly reported to doctors. The most frequent causes of the condition include cases of the polyuria caused by nephrogenic kind of diabetes insipidus, primary polydipsia or excessive intake of fluids and uncontrolled cases of diabetes mellitus.

The intake of cola and caffeine beverages also result in the stimulation of the bladder. For men beyond 40 years of age, the most known incontinence cause is an enlarged prostate, including radiation and drugs used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Other disorders like injury of the spinal cord, strokes, parkinson’s condition, spina bifida and multiple sclerosis can lead to urinary incontinence since they disrupt the bladder’s nerve function.

Managing the Condition Using Incontinence Supplies

Incontinence definition is incomplete without mentioning incontinence supplies that help in managing the condition. There are so many bed pads, depends guards for men, cloth diapers for adults, incontinence pads, depends for men and woman and adult diapers, and underwear that come in handy..


Those with incontinence should seek the help of a medical professional specialized in this field. The very best practitioners include those specializing in urinary tract typically while female urinary tract professionals are also around. Tests are mostly performed to diagnose the condition, such as stress test, urinalysis, blood tests, ultrasound, cystoscopy and urodynamic tests.

Other Incontinence Types

There are other varieties of the condition that shouldn’t be overlooked in incontinence definition. These include structural incontinence like ectopic ureter in childhood along with functional incontinence when one wants to urinate but the bathroom is far away. Mixed incontinence is another form that mostly affects elderly women and requires challenging care such as multimodal therapy.

Overflow incontinence is a different one characterized by constant dribbling after passing pee. Urge incontinence is another, defined as lose of urine involuntarily without a good reason for it. If you sense any one of these incontinences, seek professional advice from specialized doctors.

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